Looking to hire for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) role?
We're thrilled to assist you in finding the ideal candidate to enhance diversity and foster inclusion within your organization.
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1. Organization Name:

2. Industry/ Sector:

3. Contact Person and Position:

4. Email Address:

5. Phone Number:

6. Briefly describe your organization's current Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and efforts:

7. What specific goals or challenges do you aim to address by filling the DEI role?

8. Please outline the key responsibilities and expectations for the DEI role within your organization:

9. What level of experience and qualifications are you seeking in candidates for the DEI position?

10. How does the DEI role fit into your organization's overall strategic objectives and mission?

11. Describe the organizational culture and any existing diversity programs or policies in place:

12. What support or resources will be provided to the individual in the DEI role to ensure success?

13. Are there any specific skills, competencies, or experiences you prioritize in candidates for this role?

14. What is the anticipated start date for the DEI professional?

15. How did you hear about our services for filling DEI roles?

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16. Is there any additional information or preferences you would like us to consider in our search for candidates?
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