Registration Introduction Day E.S.R.V. Concorde 2024
The introduction day on 15 September is meant as an opportunity for people who are thinking about joining Concorde to have a taste of the ambiance at the stables and the members of the association. For the beginners among you, it is also a way to see if you really like horseback riding as much as you thought you would! 

The costs for this day will be about €20,- for which you will get a 45-60-min horseback riding lesson and a guided tour over the terrain of the stables. The introduction day starts at 11:00 at Manege Sonniushof (Sonniuswijk 35, 5691 PD Son). We will start the day with the guided tour around the terrain, after that we are going to brush and saddle the horses. There will be two or more riding lessons, sorted on riding level. The final programme is yet to come. Times will vary with te number of people coming. The day will end early in the afternoon. If you have your own transport, please be on time. If you want to join our van please be at the SSCE building on the TUe at 10:00. We will be leaving around 10.15. If you are too late, we will be leaving without you. If any problems occur on the day itself and you will be later, please call one of the group app administrators. 

There will also be a 10-lesson beginner's course. The dates for this course are still to be determined. For this you must become a member of Concorde and be able to join for 10 weeks in a row. We will contact you later if you want to join the beginners course. 

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What is your full name? *
What is your phone number? *
We will probably be making a group chat for the day, so that communication is more efficient. If you don’t have whatsapp on your phone, please download this app. 
What is your mail?
Will be used to send your more information if needed.
Are you a student at a HBO or University? 
PS. You can unfortunately not join Concorde if you are not a student. 
What is your experience level? *
Please elaborate on your experience

What is your experience with horses/riding? Have you never ridden or had lessons for years? Did you stop riding years ago and now want to start again? How long have you been riding? Have you competed? What disciplines do you ride? Tell us a little bit about your horse life! Of course it's no problem if you've never touched a horse before ;)
Will you join the introduction try-out day on Sunday 15 September? *
You need to have a sportcard for 2025 *
Are you able to have one?
Do you have transport to the stables?  *
Manege Sonniushof (Son) is quite far from the city center, which is why we often use the van that leaves from the SSCE to get to stables. If you don't have your own transport or don't want to go by bike, you can ride with the van (which costs an additional €2,00). 
How likely are you to become a member of ESRV Concorde after the introduction day and/or beginners course? *
What is your length? 

This information is needed for the stables to find a suitable horse 

What is your weight? 

This information is needed for the stables to find a suitable horse

Any other remarks or questions?
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