Learn Python: write your computer from scratch by SmartyKit - Apply now
We, the team of SmartyKit computer kit (https://github.com/smartykit/apple1), plan to offer an online experience to learn Python building your own computer that will work as a web-app. We know how it all works - https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/event/retro_apple1/

Doing so you will learn:
- how to use Git & deploy your app (Glitch)
- basics of Python (data structures, expressions, modules)
- fundamentals of Object-oriented programming (OOP)
- basics of UI (templates, CSS, JavaScript)
- basics of operating systems
- main components of a computer (CPU, memory, Input/Output)
- how it all works together

Basically you will build simple computer module over module with code. And see how it works in web-app interface. Something like showing signals in a scheme like this - http://instructions.smartykit.io/

So main exercise will be coding to pass the tests for every step.

Duration - 8-12 sessions of 1,5-2 hours. We will decide whether to do it self-paced or cohort-based regarding your feedback.

Also will have a Discord channel for Q&A and helping each other.

After finishing this course you’ll definitely will become a Python-ninja with deep understanding of Python, algorithms, data structures and fundamentals of computing and computer architecture.

If you are interested - apply now with your email.
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