Mentor form 
Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you.  Thank you for your interest. 

In September, Silver City Ministries began the 27th year of our mentoring program with at-risk youths in the central Arkansas area. This year, we are meeting  at Windsong Church of Christ. Mentors meet with their assigned mentee every week for about 90 minutes. The building is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4-7:30 so you can meet with your child anytime during those hours.  We  do a Bible lesson, eat a snack, and play  games.  The goal is to form a strong  relationship where we get to know each other and are open about our belief and walk with Jesus. We also need people to provide snacks monthly and to help with transportation. If you would like to know more about the program,  give us your email address and check the box at the bottom of the form.
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Your name:  *
Your phone number
your e-mail address: *
your house address:
Would you prefer to come on Monday evenings or Tuesday evenings: 
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Would you provide transportation if needed? 
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Please check the things that you would want to do in the mentoring program this year.
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