Hall of Distinction Nomination Form
Hall of Distinction - Deadline July 1, 2023

The St. James High School Hall of Distinction recognizes BOOSTERS and/or SUPPORT PERSONNEL who may or may not be former graduates; may or may not have worked for the school directly as a member of the faculty and staff, but MUST have distinguished themselves in service and leadership by playing an active role in support of the school and community. Hall of Distinction candidates must have demonstrated a strong commitment to the school's academic or athletic success via one particular accomplishment or through a sustained and exemplary record of service and support over the course of many years. Nominees must be 5 years removed from position, competition, or active role with the school. Please provide a photo(s) of the nominee from the past and present. (EMAIL TO: skliebert@sjpsb.org or bring to St. James High School Office of Student Services)

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