[H] [US] [Thrall] <FENIX>
We are a team of previously high end raiders looking for a more casual atmosphere to see new content yet retain the organized nature of raiding we enjoy. Our goal is to provide a highly efficient 1 night a week raid schedule that will provide members with gear they need to better participate in any area in the game, without committing to the grueling cutting edge tax.

Our raid time is every Tues from 10pm-1am EST.
Battle Tag *
What characters do you want to raid with? Please list class/spec/ilvl for each *
Please provide a link to the WoW Armory page for your main *
Please provide a link to the raider.io page for your main *
Please provide us with any relevant logs
What is your overall raiding experience? *
What do you look for in a guild? What are your goals? *
Can you consistently make our raid times? We have a 90% attendance policy. *
Do you have a working mic? *
Give us a quick summary of yourself! *
What is your least favorite progression boss? (Does not have to be current tier) *
Pineapple on pizza? *
Send us a meme *
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