2019-20 Recognizing Excellence                                  Nomination Form
Each month, the Board of Education of Renwick USD 267 will be recognizing employees that have excelled in various roles.   Four people (one elementary certified staff member, one high school certified staff member, one elementary classified staff member and one high school classified staff member) will be chosen from all the nominations as the monthly winners.  The four recognized for excellence each month will receive a $100 award.  From the seven monthly certified winners (September-March), one elementary and one high school certified teacher will become our district's Renwick  Teachers of the Year. The Renwick Teachers of the Year will be chosen in April and honored in May.  The Renwick Teachers of the Year will become the district's nominees for Kansas Teacher of the Year AND will each receive an award of $1,000.

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E-mail *
Nominee Name *
Role in Building *
Building *
Please tell how this individual has met the following requirements:                             *Innovation in the Classroom/Position;                          *Leadership;                                                                  *Positive Relationship-Building;                              *Punctuality and Professionalism. *
Your Name *
Today's Date *
Nominees will be told why they were nominated.  You may choose to have your nomination remain anonymous or have your name revealed to the nominee.  Please select your choice below. *
Thank you for helping us RECOGNIZE EXCELLENCE in Renwick USD 267!
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