FLOATING CASTLE 23 _ volunteer application
Pozdravljeni, prostovoljci in prostovoljke! / Hello, volunteers! (English below)
Si za akcijo? Pridi pomagat na Floating Castle!

KAJ: Floating Castle Festival je mednarodni site-specific festival ki povezuje glasbo, lutke, ulično gledališče, cirkus, kulinariko in scenografijo (cca. 150 skupin iz 30 držav, 500 nastopajočih, 2500 obiskovalcev). Pred samim festivalom bodo na festivalskem prizorišču potekali Floating Castle Masterclass-i, kjer si bo izpopolnjevalio veščine 200 glasbenikov, cirkusantov, animatorjev, plesalcev, igralcev, lutkarjev in akrobatov pod vodstvom izkušenih mentorjev, ob večerih pa se bodo družili ob jam-sessionih, predstavah in plesu.

• KJE: Grad Snežnik https://rb.gy/opxdk3

KDAJ: 17. - 26.7.: Floating Castle Masterclassi, priprava na festival in gradnja festivalskega prizorišča
              27. - 30.7.: Festival Plavajoči Grad
              31.7. - 1.8.: pospravljanje festivalskega prizorišča

Prostovoljci se razdelimo po mentorskih skupinah, vsaka skupina pokriva določeno področje festivala. V skupine se razdelimo pred festivalom ter vas seznanimo z mentorjem, ki bo vodil vašo skupino. Pri razdelitvi v skupine skušamo čim bolj prisluhniti vašim željam/interesom ter prepoznati vaše močne točke. Z mentorsko skupino imamo pred festivalom sestanek, da se seznanimo s specifikami dela na tem področju, odgovorimo na vprašanja in pobondamo. 

Pred festivalom: se udeležiš sestanka mentorske skupine (datum, ura & skupina bodo znani naknadno)
V akciji (na pripripravah in festivalu): delovna obveznost prostovoljke/ca je 6 ur na dan (lahko se zgodi, da imaš 4 precej aktivne ure ali pa 7 na izi ure). Število ur je odvisno od vrste dela in potreb - na splošno velja, da je dela dovolj in da se delo vedno najde. Si na tekočem z informacijam in slediš napotkom, ki jih podaja mentor tvoje skupine in koordinator prostovoljcev. Si zanesljiv, svojih soprostovoljcev ne pustiš na cedilu, slackerjev ne toleriramo.

Brezplačen vstop na festivalsko prizorišče, hrano in kamping, spoznaš lahko mnogo novih in neverjetnih ljudi s celega sveta, izpiliš tuje jezike, preplešeš travnike in vaška dvorišča, pridobiš izkušnjo dela na festivalu ter na polno uživaš v lepi naravi, dobri družbi in čarobni atmosferi

- Stage work + roadie: pomoč nastopajočim pred, med in po nastopu s tehnikalijami. Pomoč tehniku, ozvočevalcu, če je potrebno. Predstavitev nastopajočih tehnikom. Laufanje po luči in kable, nastopajočim daš vodo ipd.;
- Tech inventar (pregled nad skladiščem): knjižničar ampak za tehniko, imaš pregled nad tem kdo je vzel katero tehnično opremo in kdaj jo je vrnil;
- Green room varnostnik: čuva green room, kjer imajo nastopajoči shranjene svoje inštrumente in ostale rekvizite za nastop;
- Kuhinja: potrebujemo prostovoljce z osnovnim kuhinjskim znanjem in veseljem do sekljanja, rezanja in mešanja, ki izpolnjujejo osnovne higienske standarde, pmagaš pri pripravi obrokov za nastopajoče in ekipo;
- Bar (prodaja pijače): zaželjene so izkušnje dela v baru, spretnost, hitrost, prijaznost in pripravljenost na izzive ter predvsem zanesljivost in poštenost;
- Vstopnina (v času festival): klikanje kart, prodajanje kart, zavezovanje zapestnic, usmerjanje - prostovoljci naj bodo natančni, odgovorni, prijazni;
- Barikade (v času festivala): čuvanje goznih potk na obrobju festivala, kjer se radi tihotapijo švercarji brez kart
- Registracije: sprejem in registracije nastopajočih, osnovno informiranje in usmerjanje, tudi nekoliko birokratsko delo - za tiste, ki ste precej organizirani in sistematični;
- Info point: prostovoljci informirajo obiskovalce o dogodkih, prostoru, programu ter jih usmerjajo - naj bi bili prijazni in dobri v komunikaciji ter hkrati lahko hitro sledijo morebitnim spremembam;
- Urejanje avtorskih pravic: izpolnjevanje Sazas obrazcev z nastopajočimi - zelo natančno delo, vendar ključno za uspešen festival;
- Fizična in tehnična dela: prostovoljcem naj ne bo tuja gradnja osnovnih konstrukcij in/ali električarska dela, delo z orodjem naj jim bo domače;
- Camping: imaš pregled na šotoriščem, obiskovalce in nastopajoče usmerjaš na prava šotorišča
- Parking: usmerjanje avtov na parkirišču oz. ustavljanje avtov, da ne zapeljejo na pešcone/prizorišča, pomoč pri pripravljanju prireditvenega prostora;
- Reditelj: usmerjanje obiskovalcev, pomoč pri varovanju odrov;
- Eco team: vzdrževanje čistega prizorišča in tabora, praznjenje smetnjakov, sortiranje embalaže - prostovoljci naj bodo ekološko ozaveščeni, delavni;
- Udarni bataljon : potrebujemo tudi prostovoljce vseh naštetih profilov z ekstremno sposobnostjo za iznajdljivost in prilagodljivost - prostovoljci so fleksibilni in bodo vskočili tja, kjer jih bodo potrebovali;
- Vozniki (naloge: nujna nabava v trgovini, prevoz ljudi ...): oseba naj ima izpit za avto, po možnosti lasten avto, naj bo fleksibilna, odgovorna - povrnemo stroške goriva, vozi 0,0%!!!!;
- MENTOR skupine prostovoljcev: koordinacija skupine prostovoljcev - ključna oseba, odgovorna za koordinacijo prostovoljcev na določenem področju (po možnosti povratni prostovoljec);
- POSPRAVLANJE: skupina prostovoljcev, ki bo posrpavljala, bo imela med festivalom več prostega časa (pomoč cca 2 uri na dan), vendar nato ostane in proaktivno sodeluje pri pospravljanju festivala.

- da bo birokraciji zadoščeno moraš izpolniti prijavnico osebnih podatkov
- vsi izpolnjeni podatki bodo v tej obiki uporabljeni za potrebe organizacije in izvedbe festivala Plavajoči grad skladno z zakonom (na podlagi predpisov EU)
- potrebuješ veljavno zdravstveno zavarovanje
- če bi preklical prostovoljstvo nam to NUJNO sporoči.

V primeru dodatnih vprašanj piši na: floating.volunteers@gmail.com

Pred festivalom dobiš na mail:
- v kateri mentorski skupini si in kontakt mentorja
- info pack o prostovoljstvu na festivalu

Organizirali bomo tudi srečanje prostovoljcev in sestanek z mentorji :) 


(en) HELLO AND WELCOME! Are you up for some action? Come and help at Floating Castle!

WHAT: Floating Castle Festival is an international site-specific festival that connects music, puppets, street theatre, sircus, culinarics and scenography (cca. 150 bands from 30 countries, 500 performers, 2500 visitors); Floating Castle Masterclass presents skill training and knowledge exchange of 200 musicians, circus performers, animators, dancers, actors, puppeteers and acrobats, lead by renowned mentors, with evening jam -sessions, shows and dance.

WHERE: Grad Snežnik https://rb.gy/opxdk3

• WHEN: 17. - 26.7.: festival preparations & floating castle masterclass
              27. - 30.7.: festival
              31.7. - 1.8.: clean-up

Volunteers are assigned into mentor teams, each team covering specific tasks and field of work. Teams are formed before the festival, we connect you with your mentor who will be leading your team. We try to listen to your wishes and needs and assign you the tasks you enjoy and feel confident doing. We'll hold a mentor team meeting before the festival to answer any questions, get familiar with your responsibilities and connect with other volunteers.

Before: you attend a meeting with your mentor group (time, date & group: will inform you later on) 
On site (preparations and festival): Each of the volunteers is obligated to work 6 hours a day. However, it might as well happen that you will work 4 extra active hours or 7 chill ones. The number of hours varies depending on different areas of voluntary work and other requirements (generally speaking, there is always something to do and someone who could use your help). You pay attention to given insturctions and are up to date, you communicate with your mentor and volunteer coordinator. You are reliable and help out, we do not tollerate slackers.

Free ticket to the festival, food and camping. You will meet many new, amazing people from all over the world, improve some of the foreign languages, get an experience at working at the festival and undoubtedly enjoy the beautiful nature, good company and the magical atmosphere of the event.

- Stage work/roadie: help the artist before/during/and after their concert, introduce the artists to our tech crew, help the sound engineer if needed (like running around to grab lights and cables or missing and forgotten gadgets);
- Green room guard: guards the entrance to the green room where artist keep their instruments and other performance artefacts;
- Tech equipment inventory: you keep track of tech/sound equipment being borrowed and returned;
- Kitchen: need volunteers with basic cooking and cutting skills, need to meet the basic hygiene standards;
- Bar (sell beverages): *desirable working experience in bar - skilled, fast and friendly volunteers needed, also reliable and trustworthy with a sense of responsibility;
- Tickets and entrance (during the festival): the volunteers should be accurate, responsible, friendly, resourceful, collecting visitors donations/contributions, binding festival bracelets;
- Registration: welcoming performers at the gates and registering them, giving them directions, basic information - should be someone who is organised, communicative, patient and can handle paperwork;
- Copyright forms: helping performers fill out copyright forms at the gates (it's paperwork, yes, but it's easy-peasy and you meet all the artists);
- Info point: working at a desk to inform visitors about events, rules, news and everything else about the festival - should be a person who can speak informatively, politely and can stay up to date with changes;
- Physical and technical work: volunteers should know how to building basic structures and how to work with basic tools, help with all the technicalities, water and electricity;
- Eco teammaintaining the cleanliness and tidiness of the camp and the event locations, taking out bins, sorting recycling, volunteers should be eco-conscious, hardworking, communicative (sharing the concept with audience) self-initiative and patient;
- "Udarni bataljon" aka "I can do anything": we also need volunteers of all kinds of profiles, flexible with extreme capacity for ingenuity and adaptability - volunteers will be jumping in where and when they are needed;
- Parking: directing cars towards the parking lot and preventing them from driving in the car-free area, help with preparing the event location;
- Camping: you direct visitors and perfromers to camping area and make sure nobody camps out of designated camping area;
- Drivers (tasks include necessary shopping, transport people ...): *person that has a driving licence, if possible also their own car - chill, flexible and responsible (we will recover the cost of fuel) and drives 0,0%!!!;
- Bouncer: you direct visitor aroud festival grounds and help with stage protection;
- MENTOR of volunteer team: the key person responsible for coordination of a group of volunteers (a mentor of the group) - preferably a returning volunteer;
- POST-FESTIVAL CLEAN-UP:  volunteers are mainly free during the festival (cca help 2h/day) but then stay and helps with cleaning and tidying up after the festival.

- Every volunteer also has to fill short personal data application for bureaucracy issues.
- All filled data will be processed and used for the needs of Floating Castle Festival according to our law (based on EU regulations).
- You must have a valid health insurance. 
- If you change your mind and won't participate, you MUST let us know.

If you have any questions, send us an email floating.volunteers@gmail.com

Before the festival we will send you:
- which team you are assigned to and mentor contact
- info pack about volunteering at the festival. 

There will also be a general meeting gathering for volunteers and mentors :)
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