Success By Design Podcast: Application to appear on the Next Season of the Podcast With Greguyschka Felix & Hayley Dennis

A podcast on a mission to reframe how we think about mental health and confidence at work, with stories from leaders who’ve been there and advice from experts to help you thrive.

The theme of our podcast is centered around breaking through the roadblocks that stand in the way of achieving our goals. We primarily discuss topics related to career and leadership growth as well as rethinking mental health, burnout and work. Our audience is a diverse mix of both corporate professionals and entrepreneurs.

To be considered as a guest on the Success By Design Podcast with Greguyschka and Hayley, please fill out this guest submission form.  

By utilizing this form, our team will read each person's story and advice for listeners and then craft a season around a series of guests and a theme. 


--- Headphones

--- A microphone

--- A Chrome browser

--- Zoom Application

--- Please be in a quiet space and do not use AirPods or other bluetooth headphones with built-in microphones. 

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Email *
Full Name *
Please tell me which background best describes your expertise
Please indicate the best topic theme that describes your episode.

The show focuses on achieving our goals professionally and personally. What was your aha moment to shift or take control? *Please also share any interesting pivots you’ve had.
Three suggested questions to ask during the interview. We may or may not use them. We focus on conversational interaction to promote interaction and connection..
Every episode includes tangible takeaways. What area would you like to cover and what are your top 3 tips you will give?
Link to speaker-one page or website
Professional Audio Quality: To ensure the highest audio quality, we require guests to use a professional microphone. Are you agree to come prepared with a professional microphone?


---A microphone
---A Chrome browser
---Please be in a quiet space and do not use AirPods or other bluetooth headphones with built in microphones.
Both presented and pre-read material
Do you agree to promote your episode on social media?
Do you have a podcast or TV, Radio show? If so, are you willing to do a podcast, TV or radio swap?
Have you listened to the podcast and written a review?
Want to be a sought-after podcast guest? Here are a few tips...
  1. Familiarize yourself with the podcast. Check out the "About" section to understand the hosts' style and the podcast's focus. Listen to previous episodes to grasp the format, topics covered, and interview style. Pay attention to the types of questions typically asked.

  2. Listen to a few episodes of the podcast to get a feel for the tone and content. Avoid overtly pitching your product or service during your appearance. Instead, focus on providing valuable insights and engaging in meaningful conversation.

  3. Present yourself as a valuable guest. Propose a topic idea that aligns with the podcast's themes and share key points you'll discuss. Offer suggestions for questions that could guide the conversation and highlight your expertise.

Click here to view topics already discussed on the Success By Design with Greguyschka Félix and Hayley Dennis Podcast.
Thank you for submitting the form to guest on the Success By Design Podcast with Greguyschka & Hayley. In the event that your topic aligns with the podcast's focus, an email will be sent to you to arrange a recording time within 48 business hours.  | 
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