Topic 6-7 Test 2 Digital Security, Ethics and Privacy
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What is the primary objective of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack? *
1 point
Which of the following is an example of two-factor authentication?
1 point
What distinguishes a 'man-in-the-middle' attack?
1 point
What role does encryption play in digital security?
1 point
Which of these is a true statement about rootkits?
1 point
In the context of cybersecurity, what is 'phishing'?
1 point
Which is NOT a characteristic of spyware?
1 point
What is a botnet used for in cyber attacks?
1 point
What does a firewall do?
1 point
Which of the following best defines social engineering in the context of information security?
1 point
The term 'adware' refers to:
1 point
How does a 'Trojan horse' malware work?
1 point
What is a primary function of digital rights management (DRM)?
1 point
Which statement about VPNs is true?
1 point
The process of verifying the identity of a person or device is known as:
1 point
What is the purpose of using WPA2 encryption on a Wi-Fi network?
1 point
Which is a true statement about the use of strong passwords?
1 point
What type of cyber threat involves exploiting personal connections via fake emails or websites?
1 point
Which of these is considered a good practice when creating a password?
1 point
CAPTCHAs are used to:
1 point
Which of the following is NOT a function of a proxy server?
1 point
What feature of a virus distinguishes it from other malware like a worm?
1 point
Rootkits are primarily used for:
1 point
'Logic bombs' are so named because they:
1 point
In cybersecurity, 'whitelisting' refers to:
1 point
A 'honeypot' in terms of network security is:
1 point
How do 'backdoors' in software pose a risk?
1 point
Which technique is a preventive measure to protect against spyware?
1 point
'Deep packet inspection' helps in:
1 point
What does the term 'black hat hacker' signify?
1 point
What is the main disadvantage of using a simple password?
1 point
Which of the following accurately describes 'cookie poisoning'?
1 point
Which is an essential practice for securing mobile devices?
1 point
A 'Zero-day exploit' is so named because:
1 point
What function does 'SSL encryption' serve on a website?
1 point
An attack that is structured as a legitimate and useful piece of software but harms your system upon installation is known as a:
1 point
What is typically NOT a feature of spyware?
1 point
'DNS spoofing' can result in:
1 point
What does the 'principle of least privilege' entail?
1 point
Cloud computing security is essential because:
1 point
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