Grist Housekeeping Registration Form
Event Timing: May 12th from 12pm - 2pm
Event Address: 10 Sherman Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15209

We love Millvale, it's the place we call home and we do our best to make sure we keep our little corner clean. But Millvale is a lot bigger than Grist House, and we want to do a little housekeeping to give back to the community that gives so much to us. So, we welcome you to join Grist House staff this Sunday in a little community clean-up.

It's completely free to sign up. When you arrive at Grist House and check-in, you'll be given gloves, a safety vest, and a bag to fill with trash (we're even reusing grain bags to not create any additional waste). 

Bring your bag back full of trash, and have a beer on us
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I have read and agree to the Release Waiver  *
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