IMF Pulse Survey 2021
The IMF User Group ( is conducting its annual user survey. Your responses will help the community better address your IMF and component-based workflow needs.
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IMF UG 2021 survey on the Interoperable Master Format (IMF)
What is your organization?
The organization or entity to which the following answers apply.
What is your main area of business? *
Examples: content provider, service provider, broadcaster, production company, online streaming platform, etc.
Where are you located? *
Example: Worldwide, North America, Paris, etc.
Do you use component-based workflows?
In component-based workflows, audio, video and subtitles assets are stored and managed as separate files and combined into presentations using playlists. IMF is a standard for the interchange of content between component-based workflows.
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Where are your media workflows being executed? *
Do you foresee significant changes in your workflows in the next 5 years? If yes, please describe.
Do you expect your investment in component-based workflows to increase or decrease in 2021? *
Decrease ⬇
Increase ⬆
Do your suppliers or customers use the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) in their workflows?
Are you using the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) in your business? *
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