EAA 2020 - Official Registration Form
By completing this form, you as the coordinator of English All Around at your school confirm that you will ensure that all the registered students participate at the Festival on 04 and 05 April 2020 (if invited by 09 March 2020) and that the registered work will be sent by 29 February  2020.

Please check carefully all the names, titles and other details you insert in tis form as this is how they will appear on name tags, certificates of attendance and winners' certificates.

Only fully completed forms will be taken into consideration, and no errors in spelling of the names of schools, mentors or students can be corrected after having completed this form.

The deadline for sending this form is 29 February  2020. Do not rush and send it unitl you are absolutely sure about who is going to take part as the representative of your school.
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