Douglas's Colored Doodle Form 2023!🐾🌟
Make sure you read and answer the questions correctly!!
You can use links like: Google Drive, your webside, DiscordImgurDropboxetc for references!  

  • *Payment method PayPal Only
  • *All prices are the same for NSFW and SFW!
  • Payment with USD ($)  
  • If you use Links like Google drive or Dropbox make sure to share it, set it as read-only so I can view it

Prices & Commission Forms!:

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name or Alias, Fursona Name *
A name or alias by which I will refer to you, there's no need to provide your real name or anything like that
Method of contact:
Username or mail
Paypal Mail ( Not or Username)
Visual Guide!
What type?
Choose your final finishing:
What type? (This does not affect the final price) *
Is it of mature rating? (This does not affect the final price)
For each additional character, there is an extra charge of +€25 to the total price!
(Price may change depending on complexity)
Do you want to add simple shading?
Is it for a special date, do you have a deadline?
Is it for a specific date? For instance, a birthday, a special event, or something that needs to be delivered by a certain date?

If there is a deadline, I will do my best to deliver it before the deadline, but I can't make any promises. Creating art takes time, but I will make my best effort.
If you marked 'yes,' what is your deadline for receiving the artwork?
For example: a birthday,  holiday gift, Halloween, and, if possible, your deadline day
Please provide your references!
You can attach links from platforms like: ImgurGoogle DriveDropbox, etc. It's preferable that all references for your OC or any necessary references are included. This will streamline my work and make it more efficient
We've reached my favorite part!
Describe your idea, be as specific as you'd like, and you can use example images by providing links from platforms like: Twitter, FA Imgur or Drive, Etc.

If you prefer to give me artistic freedom, please at least mention several themes or words that inspire you or things you like so I can have a clear idea of where to start.
Describe your idea:
Remember to be as specific as possible. This way, I can respond as quickly as possible.
Would you like this to remain private?
Typically, after a few days or weeks, I tend to publish my commissions or use them as examples for my gallery. If you prefer to keep it private, just mark 'yes,' and I won't publish it anywhere!
If you've marked 'No,' you can still choose whether to be tagged or not. For example, with a name or pseudonym. If you'd like to be tagged, you can provide a platform or social media where you'd like to be tagged.
Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this form, I will contact you soon, you can check my Trello board

In case you don't receive an answer, you can contact me by telegram or discord.
Discord: @Sadcat16hrz

Consider support me on Patreon! and enjoy perks like: early access to new art, WIPs and exclusive content!

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