RENT - Property search
Please give us as many information as possible for the property you are looking to RENT.
Below you will find some common questions that the Owners ask us and some that will assist us to help you better.

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Email *
Full Name (Ονοματεπώνυμο ) *
Phone ( Τηλέφωνο ) *
Description of pets ( Κατοικιδια ) *
Location of property ( Tοποθεσία ) *
Budget ( Ποσο Ενοικίασης ) *
Property Description ( Περιγραφη Ακινητου ) *
Furniture *
We as "" follow the GDPR Law and regulation. The regulation allows the collection of information necessary to fulfill our services to you at the same time dictates that these information are kept safe and are not exposed to third parties.  We as "" apply all safety measures and reasuree you that your information are safe in our records. We will not transfer them to third parties.  We will only maintain information that are necessary to keep by law and the legislation.
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