First Lutheran Confirmation Registration 2020-21
Confirmation Registration 2020-2021
Online Registration is the only registration for Confirmation at First Lutheran. You will need your insurance card, phone numbers, emails and your youth to help fill out how they would like to be involved with Confirmation Ministry! The form cannot be "saved", plan for 13-20 mins to complete the form!

Below you will find the simple online form to fill out to register your child for the Confirmation Ministry. Follow the steps below and you'll receive a response from First Lutheran that you have been registered! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Michael Beckmann in the church office via email:

First Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Phone: (319) 365-1494          Website:

Parents and legal guardians of minor children are asked to complete this form and return it to the church. The information requested is designed to assist the church in providing for the safety of minors during church-sponsored activities.
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Youth & Family Information
Student's Name *
Grade Fall 2020 *
School Attending Fall 2020 *
Activities Youth Involved With (School & Community) *
Birth Date *
Student's Cell Phone
Family Mailing Address *
Secondary Family Mailing Address
Mother's/Guardian's Name *
Mother's/Guardian's Email *
Mother's/Guardian's Cell *
Father's/Guardian's Name *
Father's/Guardian's Email *
Father's/Guardian's Cell *
Marital Status *
If separated or divorced, do both parent/guardians have legal custody?
Batalkan pilihan
Please share any information that would be helpful for us to know regarding home life for your child.
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Formulir ini dibuat dalam Luther Seminary. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan