Blockchain Alliance for Global Good
Membership Application
Membership in the Alliance is voluntary and without fees, but is subject to scrutiny by the members of the Alliance. Candidate members must provide sufficient guarantees that the organization is free from malicious intent, and provides substantial effort towards humanitarian goals.
What is the name of your organization?
Provide your website.
Provide contact information so we can reach out to you for more information.
Provide links to whitepaper, social media, and all relevant explanatory materials.
Why are you seeking membership in BAGG?
What are your company mission, vision, and long-term goals?
Describe how your business model and efforts align with the mission of BAGG.
Provide an overview of your organization's history from launch until now, including major relevant milestones.
Describe your services and business model.
What existing memberships or partnerships do you have?
What security assurances do you provide to safeguard against fraud and deceit?
Provide LinkedIn or other relevant information on your founders and executives.
What other information should we know as we consider you for membership?
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