Mission & Vision Survey - Phase 2
Ritchie Community League is working on a Mission and Vision statement that best captures the voice of the community. These statements are important, as they easily express the purpose and values of the community to other organizations, and give a clear picture of the group’s purpose, direction and culture.

The RCL Board began foundation work for these statements with their 2022 Strategic Plan, which identified guiding principles and aspirations for the RCL. Phase 1 of the Mission and Vision Survey collected feedback from the community throughout the fall of 2023, creating a clear picture of what statements were most important to the community in order to meet their needs and wants. 

Phase 2 of the Mission and Vision Survey will finalize the process of selecting these statements, allowing the Ritchie Community League board to measure their performance, and give Ritchie Community League a target to work towards.

Please give us your input through completing this short survey.
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A mission statement answers the question “What do we do and how do we do it?” It will give the Ritchie Community League (RCL) an objective to meet and the approach to meet that objective.

Please rate the below Mission Statement with 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important:

Ritchie Community League creates a welcoming and inclusive community through advocacy, activities, programs and support; resulting in a safe and vibrant community for all.
Please rate the below Mission Statement with 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important:

Ritchie Community League facilitates a dynamic meeting place for people to gather by maintaining and upgrading our community hall and providing sports facilities that are accessible, functional, and comfortable.
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Please rate the below Mission Statement with 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important:

Ritchie Community League is responsive to the individual and collective needs of its people by attracting and enabling volunteers looking to contribute to the social fabric of the community.
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Please rate the below Mission Statement with 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important:

Ritchie Community League enhances our social, environmental and fiscal sustainability by being a league that is responsive to our members, environmentally conscious initiatives, and fiscal concerns.
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Is there anything that you think is important for our Mission and Vision Statements that we are missing?
Where do you get your information about local events?
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