Social Impact tools
Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer the following questions related to your needs around social impact tools and resources. Your ideas and feedback will help me to design content that is relevant and useful to values-led organizations and businesses. Please leave your email address if you'd like to receive updates about new social impact content and tools! 
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What type of organization do you work for?
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What is your current biggest question about designing, measuring, or communicating your organizations' social impact?
3. Does your organization have a theory of change (ToC)?
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Would you consider investing in outside support for developing a social impact strategy, theory of change and/or impact metrics?
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Which types of support would you consider? (select all that apply)
Which topic areas related to social impact would you want to see an online course in?
What do you feel is missing from the existing social impact tools and resources that are widely available?
How much would you (or your organization) expect and be willing to pay for a Social Impact course that includes video and written content to walk you through creating a theory of change, mapping indicators to measure your impact, information about communicating your impact to stakeholders/customers, background readings and tools and templates?
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If you would like to subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to know about resources and tools I offer, please leave your email here. I will be offering some beta testing opportunities and early bird discounts to my subscribers! 👍🏼
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