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Air Convention 2019 Q&A - AIR Tech
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September 17
Cedric Lefebvre, Airbus - Digital transformation within the industry
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Kim Bybjerg , TATA Communications - Building the connected digital airline of the future
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Ravinder Pal Singh, Air Vistara - Robotics, artificial intelligence and blockchain
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Sanat Kaul, International Foundation for Aviation, Aerospace & Development - ADS-B over satellites
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Erdinç Ugurlu, Pegasus Airlines - Travel assistance for customer, IoT and optimization project on ground handling operation
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September 18
Viktoryia Rutkevich, Hanna Aranovich, Regula - Travel document check: success through automation
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Henry Coles, IATA - Digital transformation in airline distribution
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Susanna Halonen-Manner, Norwegian - Digitalization and crisis management
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Rudi Seiberlich, Big Skytours - How airlines with the help of OTA's can sell more seats on flights having a bad load factor
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Florian Dehne, E-Bird - Next generation urban and regional transportation
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Hugh Revie, Ubisense - Creating an MRO digital twin
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