Visitor Work Health Safety & Environment Induction Assessment and Declaration
There are 10 statements below, each gives a few possible answers to choose from. Choose the answer that you think is most suitable.
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Choose the correct Midcoast Boatyard & Marine (MBM) key safety principles? *
1 ponto
Avoid taking unjustifiable risks
Comply with MBM requirements
Be prepared to work hard
Avoid causing harm
Be prepared to work safe
There's more than one!
When should you report an injury to management? *
1 ponto
Which of the following can you do in the UN-BUNDED Areas? *
1 ponto
When handling hazardous chemicals, you must ensure that you? *
1 ponto
When are you permitted to use, adjust or move boat standing equipment? *
1 ponto
When are you permitted to use tools and machinery owned by MBM or MBM Staff? *
1 ponto
Which statement below is incorrect? *
1 ponto
Which statement below is incorrect? *
1 ponto
Which statement below is incorrect? *
1 ponto
At the end of a long day’s work, is it okay to have a cold beer in the yard? *
1 ponto
Declaration; by completing and submitting this assessment I declare that I: *
0 pontos
have viewed in full the Midcoast Boatyard & Marine induction;
understand and agree to comply with the rules and requireme;nts that are detailed in the induction
agree to abide by the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and its Regulation.
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