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W9NB GLAARG Fee Waiver Form
Please submit this form to have your exam fees waived. If you are not comfortable submitting this form, please contact us directly at the email listed in the session description. This form is ONLY for W9NB sessions!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your answer
Your FRN or call sign
Your answer
Date of exam
PIN Number (received at time of registration)
Your answer
Choose all that apply
I am a minor (under 18).
I am a US veteran.
I am a currently enrolled student (24 or under).
I am currently serving in the US military.
I am a GLAARG VE upgrading to Amateur Extra.
If you are a minor and/or current student, enter your age:
Your answer
If you are a student, enter your school, college or university:
Your answer
If you are a GLAARG VE, enter your VE number:
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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