Registration Form due April 01, 2025                 Cost: $145 per delegate plus GST                      Each school will also be charged an AASCA membership fee of $60 (if a school attended JHLC2024 the annual membership fee would have been paid with JHLC registration). Once the school has completed the form an invoice will be emailed to the lead advisor. Payment can be made by cheque, etransfer or EFT.
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Email *
Name of School *
Name of city/ town school is located in *
Name of School Lead Advisor *
Lead Advisor Email *
Lead Advisor Cell Number *
Name of Other Advisors attending include email and cell numbers *
Number of students attending ( a more specific delegate form will be sent out the end of March to collect student names) *
FYI. On Sunday we are hoping students will showcase their talents.  It could be as simple as telling a joke or doing a cartwheel, or something bigger like playing a ukulel or singing.  If you know already of a student who would like to participate, please put the name down.  This question will also be on the specific delegate forms sent out later
Which hotel are you staying at? Hotel information can be found  at 
under the ASLC2025 tab.
Do you require transportation from your hotel to the school (and vice versa)? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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