Apply for Elle Brandlin's highest level, highest touch 1:1 mentorship program for those who are on a path to spiritual mastery & ready to walk as masters on Earth in service to others, so they can mindfully manifest their most optimal reality, quickly & easily, by fulfilling their Divine Mission (6 or 12-month options available).

If you prefer a shorter term program, please apply for my 12-week Quantum Self Code or claim your 1:1 spot in my 30-day Emotional Alchemy + Source Embodiment (EASE) Code Mentorship now.
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メールアドレス *
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you more interested in working with me for 6 or 12 months?  *
Do you know where in the world you would like to meet me for our spiritual spa weekend retreat(s) together yet? (You get one in the 6-month program & three in the 12-month program.) *
Are you prepared to make a high-level energy exchange (investment) in your spiritual mastery & ascension, yourself, & your future at this time?  *
How long have you been on your spiritual journey? *
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? If so, please list them. (If not, I'll help you remember them.) *
Do you believe & understand that you are the Source of your reality? *
Are you ready to fully embody your truest, highest possible Self?  *
Have you ever or are you currently doing any work to decondition & reprogram your subconscious mind + rewire your brain & nervous system?  *
Have you ever or are you currently using any Quantum Healing modalities? If yes, please list them. *
If accepted, when would you like to begin working together? *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
Would you prefer to receive correspondence about your application via email or Facebook DM? *
If you selected Facebook DM above, please drop your Facebook URL here. (And follow me or send me a friend request to ensure that you receive your DM.)
Please check the box below if you'd like to receive periodic free emails from Abundant Youniversity Journal.
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