“Business as Unusual” Application Form
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange 8-17 July 2023 in Hästveda, Sweden
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name *
Surname *
Gender *
Country of residence *
Your role in the youth exchange *
If you are a person with fewer opportunities? Please choose
Birthdate *
Mobile number *
With international code
Main profession *
Any special needs (allergies, dietary, disabilities, …etc) *
Motivation *
Why do you want to participate to the project? What are you willing to learn / develop? What do you want to do after the youth exchange?
Contact person in case of emergency, name and mobile number *
Any other thing
Notice the following conditions that apply if I participate in this project: - I commit myself to participate in the full duration of the youth exchange. -I agree that I will be accommodated in a bigger room with several participants from other countries. - I agree that I will cook with other participants for the meals during the exchange. - I agree that the address details, information about my organisation, materials, videos and pictures taken during the event will be shared with the other participants and the organisation as part of the project material and for dissemination of results and visibility actions. - I am aware that obtaining a full travel and health insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. - I understand that the information I provided on any special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health. - I have read the info pack of the project. I am agree with the financial issues mentioned in the info pack. - If selected, I will inform organisers about any changes of my availability to participate as soon as possible. *
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