DWCS STEM & SERVICE SUMMER CAMP Registration - Brought to you by the HS Beta Club
This is our 2nd Annual STEM & SERVICE Summer Camp brought to you by our partners Trafera and our DWCS HS Beta students.  Last year was an absolute blast so be sure you get your students registered today!!

June 14-17, 2022
9am - 12pm each day  
*Drop off and pick up behind school, HS GYM

$50/Child (K-6 grade) *non-refundable
Send money to the school office to complete registration!

SPACE IS LIMITED! GET REGISTERED ASAP!!! Share with family and friends who may be interested :)
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Does your child attend DWCS?  If your child does NOT attend DWCS then you will not be allowed to register until after MAY 27th...and will only be accepted if there are available spots at that time.  We offer this to our students first and then open to the public.  The grade restrictions are still K-6 (for the 2021-22 school year).
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Current Grade (2021-22 school year) *
Food or other allergies?  Students will be indoors and outdoors during camp.
Medical Concerns/Information we need to know?
Emergency Contact Name/Number (list at least 2 contacts) *
Disclaimer:  I hereby authorize DWCS and all staff of SUMMER STEM CAMP to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention and I hereby waive and release them from any and all liability for any injuries or illness incurred while at SUMMER CAMP. I have no knowledge of any physical impairment that will be affected by the above named participants participation in the camp. I also understand the camp retains the right to use for publicity and advertising purposes, photographs of participants taken at the camp. If you agree with this disclaimer please sign below by typing your full name.  All contacts listed above on this form will be contacted immediately in the case of any emergency while at camp. *
To complete registration, YOU MUST bring your payment ($50/student) cash or check (payable to DWCS) to the elementary or high school office.  If you send to school please put in an enveloped labled with your students name, grade that says: HS BETA STEM CAMP
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