RSVP Sissel&Jon Wedding
Please fill out this form so we know you are coming and how much food to prepare! We will send wedding updates to the email you provide us.

Full wedding info and our contact details can be found at
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Are you coming to our wedding?
Are there any children in your party? If yes, how many and what are their ages and names?
Is anyone else coming with you? If yes, how many people are in your party and what are their names? If it's only you coming then write "just me".
Do you or anyone in your party have any dietary restrictions? (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, or allergies)
Will your or anyone in your party join the afterparty at Hart Beach from 20h - 00:15h?
Performing with/for Loveย ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฝโ€๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽป
The wedding party will mix in some elements of Danish and Jewish wedding traditions, both of which give a stage forย guests to entertain the bride and groom. Would you like to perform something as a celebration of love with us? We will try and accommodate you!ย 

Performances will happen after the wedding ceremony at See Lab, which has a nice project space equipped with a sound system and a projector. Any kind of performance is welcome - music, spoken word, dance, performance art - we just ask that they be reasonably short (no Marina Abromovich-style endurance performance art or full album re-enactments of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" please!).ย 

Let us know what you have in mind and we will try to accommodate you!ย 
Would you like to perform something? If yes - how long is your act, and what do you need to make it happen?
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