Application to join DESIGNED TO SELL (DTS)
Hi! I'm so excited to have you here, and that you want to create a scalable online offer, and take your business to the next level!

I care about you, and your time, and this helps me get a first impression of whether DESIGNED TO SELL is for you.

By providing me with important information, you give me the opportunity to check out your social media, understand what it is that you want, and it gives me a better impression of you; who you help and what you offer.

As an important note - I don't offer any quick fixes, or "get rich fast" solutions - for the simple reason that they don't exist.

What I offer is solid business strategy, and step-by-step instructions that I know work, mixed with the necessary mindset support to make them work for you too!

The investment for DESIGNED TO SELL is currently $770 USD / month for six months (or $4'200 one-time-payment, and there are limited spots available)

As I assume that you are ready to invest in yourself, and your business, after having received your application, I will invite you to a consult call.

During our call, we will talk through your goals in detail and agree on the next steps.

Looking forward to reading your application!

Oh, and by the way - all information you submit is kept confidential.

// josefine

P.S. Remember - if you want me to connect back with you via email, please make sure you mark as a "safe" email address, or this opportunity might end up in your junk folder 🩵


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Email *
Your first name:
How did you hear about me?
Please tell me a bit about your business:
Who do you serve?
What's your mission?
What problem do you solve?
How long have you been an entrepreneur?
Have you already tried to launch an online offer? And if YES, what worked, and what didn't?
How do you currently market and promote your business?
What is the biggest obstacle stopping you from creating a scalable online offer?
Please share all relevant Social Media Handles - Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, FB, X (Twitter) & Facebook, both private & business -  and your Website (if available)
Current newsletter audience size - please also split between the channels where you're operating on e.g. your email list, and your LinkedIn (LI) newsletter.
What is your current average Monthly Recurring Revenue (in $)?
What is the goal of your average Monthly Recurring Revenue within 12 months (in $)?
What other Business Coaching & Mentoring Programs / Courses have you invested in?
How committed are you to take your business to the next level (please only select ONE)?
How do we best connect back to you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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