12 - Political Science - 6
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1. Arms control is an important measure of traditional security as __________ *
1 point
2. This conference led to the establishment of a global action plan to promote sustainable development in 1992, Brazil. This is
1 point
3. Which among the following is the first global treaty to explicitly address climate change?
1 point

4. Assertion (A): Though the cultural ties between India and Israel from time immemorial, yet the political relations developed after the establishment of the NDA Government in India.

Reason (R): Leaders of both the countries have, been visiting one another's country since 1990.
1 point
5. In which year Bhartiya Jan Sangh was formed?
1 point
6. How many judges are there in the 'International Court of Justice' and what is their tenure?
1 point

7. Assertion (A) The old system of social welfare in the Soviet Union automatically got destroyed.

Reason (R) The withdrawal of government subsidies pushed large sections of the people into poverty.
1 point
8. Jayaprakash Narayan demanded the dismissal of the Congress government in Bihar because
1 point
9. In which province Vishal Andhra Movement was witnessed?
1 point
10. Which kind of issues are related to India-Pakistan?
1 point

11. Arrange the following in chronological order.

1. Establishment of UNESCO

2. Foundation of ILO

3. Establishment of United Nations

4. Fornication of WHO
1 point

12. Choose the statements which are not true about India's Nuclear Programme.

1. India's Nuclear Programme has always been peace-oriented.

2. India's Nuclear Programme is in favour of CTBT.

3. India is committed to be a member of Nuclear Suppliers Group.

4. India's Nuclear Programme is to help the smaller countries of Asia.
1 point
13.  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
In recent years there has been demand to reform the UN. Two basic kinds of reforms face the UN: reform of the organisation's structures and processes; and a review of the issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the organisation. The biggest discussion has been on the functioning of the Security Council. Related to this has been the demand for an increase in the UN Security Council's permanent and non-permanent membership so that the realities of contemporary world politics are better reflected in the structure of the organisation. On 1 January 1997, Kofi Annan started a process to see how to reform the UN.
(i) Which is not TRUE about the proposed reforms in the UN?
1 point
(ii) The major demand for reform has been around the
1 point
(iii) Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the Security Council?
1 point
(iv) Kofi Annan launched a process in _________ to see how to bring about reforms in the UN.
1 point
14.  Study the given Cartoon and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Which of the following Princely States refused to join India after Independence?
1 point
(ii) Who among the following played a decisive role in the integration of Princely States with the Indian Union?
1 point
(iii) ____________ was called the 'Iron Man of India'.
1 point
(iv) Name the document signed between the Indian government and the native rulers.
1 point
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