Parkland Sailing Academy Application - New Applicants 
Deadline for Submission:  Fall Session - September 10, Spring Session - March 1. Registration forms are accepted in the order in which they are received. This popular academy often fills up so please don't delay in submitting your application!

To apply students must be in grades 5–11 (applying for following school year grades 6-12) and attend Parkland Secondary, Stelly's Secondary, North Saanich Middle School or Bayside Middle school.  
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Email Address *
Current School *
Current Grade *
Parent/Guardian Name(s). 
International students - please enter your host family information, if known.
Parent/Guardian Email Address.  
International students - please enter your host family information, if known.
Parent/Guardian Phone Number.  
International students - please enter your host family information, if known.
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