My Archischool School / PTA Membership Application Form
Thanks for your interest in having your school / PTA join our community. Kindly fill out the form below with your information as well as your indication of interest area and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Should you need more information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach our studio at (852) 96131137 or 


如果您需要更多資訊或協助,請隨時聯絡我們的工作室:(852) 96131137、 

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Method of Enrolment for Subscription to Membership, Class, Exhibition, International Competitions, Volunteer Services, and Architectural Study Tour, Publishing-Your-Own-Book 
订阅会员资格,课程、展览、国际竞赛、志愿者服务、建筑游学、出版自己的书 报名办法
Step 1 : Please tick the class and activities you are interested in and click to send this form to our studio;
Step 2 : After receiving your form, our studio will contact you by whatsapps or email for providing you the quotation and / or proposed time slots for your review and acceptance;
Step 3 : If our quotation and/or proposed time slots are acceptable, our studio will send you a "booking invoice" for your payment. Once it is paid, your booking is confirmed. 

(note: all time and dates of the paid classes are changeable within one calendar month. If replacement class cannot be arranged in the same month, it will be credited into your account for future usage within one year) 

步骤 1 :请勾选您感兴​​趣的课程和活动,然后点击将此表格发送到我们的工作室;
步骤 2 :收到您的表格后,我们的工作室将通过 whatsapps 或电子邮件与您联系,为您提供报价和/或建议的时间段,供您审阅和接受;
步骤 3 :如果我们的报价和/或建议的时间段可以接受,我们的工作室将向您发送“预订发票”以供您付款。付款后,您的预订即确认。

Benefits of being our School-Members or PTA-members:
成為我們學校 / PTA 會員會員的優勢:

Free to become our School/PTA Member
免費成為我們的學校 / PTA 會員

1.5 x hours of Architectural Design Workshop's tuition fee will be sponsored by My Archischool as our community commitment (excluding the material costs)
1.5 x 小時的建築設計工作坊學費將由 My Archischool 作為我們的社區承諾贊助(不包括材料費用)

School/PTA-membership discounts for purchasing modeling material
購買建模材料的學校 / PTA 會員折扣

Monthly newsletters for sharing the latest events and activities regarding architectural education and further studies in universities and career areas

School / PTA Name, and school's location (city, country)
School's / PTA's Contact Person and email / tel. no. 
學校 / PTA 會員的聯絡人和電子郵件/電話號碼。
Preferred Workshop Schedule
Workshop Time (Monday - Friday ONLY )
Preferred Workshop Time (Saturday ONLY )
首選 工作坊 時間(僅限週六)
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