Survey questionnaire
This is a quick anonymous questionnaire on the decision-making culture at workplaces. 
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When it comes to your decisions, do you see it as your boss's job to hold an umbrella above you and protect you from making stupid decisions that waste money and resources? *
If your boss closed that umbrella and exposed you to the consequences of your decisions, what would it be closer to?
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'I hesitate to make a decision that I know my boss will disapprove of' -- tell me about the degree of truth in this statement. *
When a project of yours has failed, have you felt like your performance has been judged too much on the basis of that one project and too little on the overall performance of your portfolio of projects?   *
Would you say you're judged on your decision outcome (how the project did) or on your decision process (how thoroughly you thought through)? *
How strongly do you agree with this statement: At most companies, the boss is there to approve or block the decisions of employees.
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Have you in this calendar year disagreed with an important decision at work and not expressed that disagreement? *
Does your team or business unit have systems/processes in place to make sure disagreement gets heard?  *
Do you socialize your ideas at work -- that is, do you share ideas with peers and leaders to stress-test your thinking with the goal of improving the idea itself? *
Have you ever tried to socialize your idea after discovering that your boss is dead set against it?  *
On an instance when your boss has disagreed with you and yet you have gone ahead and tested your idea and proven its utility, has your boss acknowledged that they had it wrong? *
Your designation *
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