Laptop donation
Thank you for donating your laptop for re-use.  Use this form to register your donation to Hackney Fixers.

Minimum specification:
- 2012 or later
- With charger
- With webcam
- In working condition  
- Apple laptops must be reset prior to donation (user account removed and Operating System reset).

All laptops will be data-wiped and if not re-useable will be recycled.  We don't currently have any use for tablets (inc iPads).

Refurbished laptops will be donated to local schools and community projects.

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Email *
Name *
The laptop you want to donate *
Brand, model, specification (memory, processor, hard drive if known: whatever info you are able to give)
Donation points *
Declaration *
All boxes need to be checked or we will not be able to accept your donation
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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