Request Maker Donations
We are currently serving our local communities by making these donations available via Contactless Pickup to our Healthcare Workers, 1st Responders, and Essential Workers. We are looking for more volunteers in order to expand across the country so for those that we cannot service at this time, please continue to submit your request and we'll keep you updated. Your request will be put into a queue and fulfilled by a local volunteer as available.

A volunteer in your area will reach out to you via email regarding status and contactless pickup details. Due to high demand, processing times and request fulfillment cannot be guaranteed. Please note requested donation items are mostly made in the homes of the volunteers and may not meet the quality, health, or safety standards of the receiving organization.  

Most of these items are approved for clinical use by the NIH:

*Please provide your valid work email if possible (example: as this will help us better authenticate and prioritize your request. Otherwise your request may be delayed and volunteers may reach out to help confirm identify (ie copy of RN badge).
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Email *
Your Name *
Donation Recipient Category *
Donation Recipient Description (ie name of hospital, facility, essential store, etc) *
Donation Recipient State *
Donation Recipient City *
Donation Recipient Address (of facility) *
Select your Maker Donations
Please select the quantity for each item you would like to request a donation. Please note we cannot guarantee any requests and requests are subject to both volunteer and supply availability.
3D Printed Ear Saver (most popular and most available item - style and color may vary - print time: ~15 mins per item)
Ear Saver Quantity
3D Printed Face Shields (note: this item is limited and may not be available - style and color may vary and may be sent as frame only - print time: ~1 hour per item)
Face Shield Quantity
3D Printed Face Masks (note: this item is extremely limited and may not be available - style and color may vary - print time: ~2 hours per item)
Face Mask Quantity
Additional Request Comments
To help minimize the costs coming straight from the pockets of the volunteers, you can choose whether to pickup your donation requests from a local volunteer if available or have them ship to you as long as you are willing to pay for the shipping costs. Please note if a local volunteer is not available, another available volunteer may reach out to you to help coordinate the shipment option if you so choose.
Available for Contactless Pickup? *
Please read and check the boxes below.
I understand that the requested donation items are mostly made in the homes of the volunteers and may not meet the quality, health, or safety standards of the receiving organization. *
Under no circumstances will these donated items be re-sold. *
I understand that by submitting this request, the answers in this form will be public and available to the volunteers to fulfill your request. *
Thanks again for all that you do and we are grateful that we get to play a small part in supporting those on the front lines. We appreciate your patience as we work through the huge surge in donation requests. You can check the status of your request on our website.

These donations are made possible by independent volunteers and volunteer groups across the nation that dedicate their time and out-of-pocket material expenses to make and fulfill these donations requests mostly from their homes. These volunteers consist of essential workers, non-essential workers, furloughed workers, and all those that stepped up wanting to support those on the front lines.

Although Operation Make does not directly accept monetary donation contributions, you are more than welcome to optionally send thanks directly to the independent volunteers via a simple post to social media and/or small goFundMe contribution (you can find more details about the volunteers on our Meet the Volunteers page). Feel free to also tag us on social media @operationMake and we’ll make sure to re-post so they can see it.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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