DA Technology, Data, Analytics, and Comms Tech Team Application
Application and interest form for those wishing to join and contribute to the work of our Democrats Abroad Global Information Technology Team, the DA Data & Analytics Team, or to provide technical skills for the Communications Team.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Residence Country *
Number of years involved with DA *
Leadership and Volunteer positions helping within DA *
Please list any experiences you have had with DA technical tools (website, emailing, membership, Wiki, WebEx, FreshDesk, Google Workspace, etc) *
Please let us know about any non-DA technical skills or experience have.
In which roles are you interested in volunteering? *
Which global teams are you interested in helping (check all that apply) *
Would you be interested in helping your local DA country committee? *
Do you currently have a full time job *
How many hours per week (on average) would you be able to volunteer for the DA IT global team? *
Have you had any experiences working with a global virtual team? *
What are good times for you to have a call (please include time zone) *
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