2021 Federal Election

As part CBC Calgary's campaign coverage this year, we are running a special project to understand what's on the minds of Calgary voters.

Will you help us find out what matters most by answering the following question?
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What do you want candidates to be talking about as they compete for votes?
If necessary, can we get in touch with you to find out more?
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What is your email address (or phone number)?
We want to ensure fair coverage across the city and southern Alberta. Can you tell us what city, town or neighbourhood you live in?
If we're able to report further on this, would you be willing to speak with a CBC journalist about your experience?
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CBC Calgary takes your privacy seriously. This is an engagement effort, not an interview. We will not share identifying information provided in this form without your explicit permission. The information gathered is being used for reporting purposes and to guide our coverage but not shared outside the CBC Calgary newsroom.

If you have questions about this project, please contact CBC journalist Elise Stolte at elise.stolte@cbc.ca.
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