Salons of the Italies- Teacher
Class submission form for the Salons of the Italies event will run from April 23rd to April 24th (24/4/21-25/4/21 in Lochac).
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Legal Name
Best Contact (email or FB)
Location (City/State/Country)
SCA Name (Please include titles as desired)
Group (SCA Kingdom or organization)
Teacher Bio - This can be short, no more than a paragraph or two, it will be included on our website.
Class Title
Class Description
Class Length
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Availability- Please let us know when you are available to teach using your own local time (i.e. Friday after 5pm, any time Saturday). If you are in North America the event will run Friday afternoon- Saturday evening, in Australia the event will run Saturday morning- Sunday morning.
Can your class be recorded to post to the Renaissance Village YouTube?
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