Planer - Wood Shop Safety Check
To ensure your enjoyment when using the equipment, your safety, and the safety of the equipment, we want everyone to understand some key information before we clear you for a safety check.

For more information about the planer:
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Correo *
Name *
Please select your instructor *
If you did not have an instructor, select None
Pre-Operation Safety Questions
The machine wont turn on!? *
1 punto
You measure your piece of material and find the highest part is 1 1/8" and the the lowest part is 1".  What should you set the starting height of the planer? *
Tip: 1/8 = 2 /16 = 4 / 32
1 punto
How can you tell if a piece of wood is LONG enough to put in the planer? *
Failure to have a long enough piece of wood can damage the equipment and ruin your project
1 punto
Before putting any material in the planer you must first ... *
1 punto
During Equipment Operation
Where should you NOT put your fingers / hands? *
1 punto
What the maximum cut depth you should make on each pass of the planer? *
1 punto
After using equipment
After using equipment, you should ... *
1 punto
How should you leave the shop area / machine when finished? *
Select all the apply
1 punto
End of Quiz
How confident are you to use the Planer? *
Not confident
Very confident
What questions do you have about using the planer that you would like answered?
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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