Register Now: 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge

Welcome to the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge!  We would like to thank Dr. Eddie Moore, who created the 21-Day Challenge, and the Washtenaw County United Way, whose Challenge we have used as a model and adapted to highlight racial inequity and our related policy priorities in our context.  We welcome participants from across our community.  

Signing up for the Challenge today will give you access to our tools and discussion forum along with emails to guide you along the way. The Challenge is open to anyone who is interested in doing the hard work of combating white supremacy, so please share the link with friends and colleagues who might be interested. There is no cost to participate.

Challenge Schedule: January 4th-24th, 2021

Registration will close Friday January 8, 2021.  If you are registering after 1/5/21, you can find previous days' materials in Sakai.  You will be added to the daily email list and receive daily emails going forward.

Contact with any questions.

The email address you provide will be used to add you to our Sakai, our discussion forum platform.
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
E‑mail *
Name *
Organization *
How did you learn about the Challenge?
Kopie vašich odpovědí bude zaslána na zadanou adresu.
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