8th Grade Course Selection 2025-2026
Please complete this Google Form by MARCH 21, 2025.

** Ranking elective preferences do NOT guarantee enrollment in the course. All courses are pending space availability**

If you need help, please email your CCMS School Counselor:
Ms. Slemmons, Last Names A-C- sarahslemmons@ccusd.org
Ms. Latham, Last Names D-H- daniellelatham@ccusd.org
Ms. Velasco, Last Names I-M- yasminvelasco@ccusd.org
Ms. Montes, Last Names N-R- estefhanimontes@ccusd.org
Mr. Ordonez, Last Names S-Z- christopherordonez@ccusd.org

If you change your mind on your elective preferences, you can fill the form out again. School Counselors will use the most recent timestamped Google Form submission. 
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Email *
My adult at home has participated in filling out this form and is aware of my choices. I understand that by filling out this Google Form I am submitting my elective preferences.  ** Elective choices do not guarantee enrollment in the course. All courses are pending space availability** *
Student's Last Name: *
Student's First Name: *
Are you currently in the Spanish Immersion program? *
I understand that by enrolling my child in the CCMS Language Program, my student must take the designated courses as listed above, that the Spanish and Japanese Language Arts courses fill the elective course spot in their schedule and should my child like to take an additional elective, they must select the option to enter the zero-period PE lottery. Our Zero Period classes are based on a lottery. Any student requesting 0 period will be placed in the lottery. Requesting 0 period does NOT guarantee enrollment in the course. We understand that if my child opts to exit the program, my child will not be able to re-enter the program.
Are you currently in the Japanese Immersion program? *
I understand that by enrolling my child in the CCMS Language Program, my student must take the designated courses as listed above, that the Spanish and Japanese Language Arts courses fill the elective course spot in their schedule and should my child like to take an additional elective, they must select the option to enter the zero-period PE lottery. Our Zero Period classes are based on a lottery. Any student requesting 0 period will be placed in the lottery. Requesting 0 period does NOT guarantee enrollment in the course. We understand that if my child opts to exit the program, my child will not be able to re-enter the program.
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