Sunstone Farm Poodles & Doodles - Puppy Application
New pup parent
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Why are you interested in adopting a puppy?
Puppies are cute and a lot of fun, but also a very big responsibility and potentially a 12-15+ yr commitment.  Please be sincere when answering.
Fill in the following:
City & postal code
Best phone number,best to contact you:
Best way/time to contact you:
How old are you:
Do you rent or own?
How long have you lived at this address?
If you rent, does your landlord or additional tenants have pets? If so what are they? Will they be in contact with the puppy?
Does your landlord allow pets?
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Do you have a fenced yard?
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If not, what steps are you taking to ensure the puppy gets enough exercise and socialization?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?
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If yes, please provide information and exposure related to dogs:
Has everyone in your household been included in the decision to adopt a puppy?
Do you currently have another application with other breeders or adoption agencies? If yes, please provide application status and waitlist info below:
What energy level are you looking for in a dog?
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Please outline a detailed description of the routine you plan to have with your puppy:
What are your training expectations and plans for a 2month old puppy? How will you work on Potty training, preventing destructive behavior and proper socializing?
Do you currently own a dog? Any other pets in the household? Please include names, breeds, ages of the animals in your household:
Past pets: Tell us about your experience being a pet owner including names, ages of animals  duration you owned them. If the animal passed away, please provide cause of passing. Should the animal been removed please give detailed explanation:
If you have other pets in the household how will they be managed unsupervised?
Where will the puppy spend it's time when alone?
How ,any hours alone in a day will the puppybe left?
Where will the puppy sleep at night?
Would you be willing to feed raw or cooked diet to your puppy?
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Do you have any upcoming vacations that will impact the adoption process?
Are you aware of the importance of socialization puppy?
Do you understand if behavioral concerns arise, you must find a reputable trainer?
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Do you understand you will be required to sign a contract that your puppy must be spayed or neutered?
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Do you understand upon approval for adoption and choosing a puppy you must put a non refundable payment of $300.00?
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Do you have questions for us?
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