3/13/25 Community Forum RSVP
Carrollton Schools is hosting a series of Community Forums, where parents and members of the school community will work together to discuss important topics in education. Through structured activities and honest discussion, together, we will work to identify needs of students and families and use problem-solving to reach workable solutions.

The Community Forums will be held in the Middle School cafeteria, and include conversations, a meal and child care provided by the district, and opportunities to help build a stronger district. 

March 13, 2025 - Open Forum - Bring your ideas and questions!
Menu: Build your own wrap and salad bar

**Please complete the RSVP below to help us plan for the meal and child care.**

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either...

Lindsay Bryce, Director of Family and Community Engagement


Tiffany PetersonSuperintendent
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Name *
Email address *
Phone number 
Which session to you plan to attend for the Community Forum on March 13, 2025? *
How many adults from your household plan to participate in the Community Forum on March 13, 2025? *
How many children from your household will need on site  care during the Community Forum on March 13, 2025? *
If you answered that you will need child care, what are the names and ages of the children? 
What is your relationship to the district? (please check all that apply) *
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