Guidelines Acknowledgment
After our meeting, we are asking that everyone read over our Community Guidelines and commit to upholding them all to the best of their ability!
Many of these guidelines have been adapted from online use, as the set of guidelines which governs our Discord server. While some of them may be more applicable online, we want to be clear that these guidelines transcend our online spaces, and they are still applicable and must be upheld in person, too. These are guidelines for all members of our community regardless of student status or club involvement. Our Board Members will be enforcing everything listed below, as well as any additional guidelines we agree upon as a community during our meeting! Thank you for taking part in this process with us!
Please fill out the necessary identifying information; this way we will have a record of your commitment in the (mostly unlikely) case that there are any challenges with following through.
メールアドレス *
Name (whatever you go by typically!) *
UMBC Email *
UMBC Student ID *
Discord Username (if you have one; if not, type N/A) *
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このフォームは UMBC 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告