Barn Cat Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in a adopting barn/shop cats!  Your answers below will help us know what type of cats are best suited for your situation.  We usually place at least two together, although there are circumstances where a solo cat may work.  We like to keep families together whenever possible.
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Email *
Your Name: *
Your Full Address (Please include STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE and ZIP CODE): *
Your Phone Number: *
Are you at least 18 years old? *
Do you own or rent your home? *
How many barn/outdoor cats are you interested in adopting? *
What type of cats are you looking for?  (You may select more than one.) *
Choose that which best describes the shelter the cat will have access to: *
Do you have the needed supplies and a way to keep the cats confined for 2-3 weeks so they can acclimate to the new surroundings?  (If not, we have wire dog crates and litter boxes that can be used during confinement.) *
Do you agree to provide reasonable shelter plus food and fresh water daily for the life of these cats and to not allow any to suffer unnecessarily if ill or injured?  (We can help re-trap if needed.) *
Do you have other cats now that will be sharing the same shelter? *
If you have dogs running loose in the area, are they cat-friendly, or will the cats have plenty of safe escape routes? *
Please provide any additional information below or let us know if you have questions.  Then click on the red SUBMIT button to send this to our email.  A volunteer will contact you within 48 hours.  If you haven't heard from us, it may mean that this wasn't received.  Feel free to send an email directly to or call Monica at 515-318-9005.  Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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