Textbook Rental Scholarship
Complete this form to request a scholarship for rental textbooks at the Champlain College Bookstore. 

Who is eligible?

Eligible students are enrolled, degree-seeking, undergraduate students pursuing their studies on campus in Burlington, Vermont. Any student who is unable to meet essential expenses due to financial hardship, including but not limited to the first-semester transition to college, are encouraged to apply. We ask that students access stipends available to them through outside programs before using this scholarship whenever possible.

Students in financial crisis may be eligible for additional resources both on and off campus and are encouraged to reach out to studentresources@champlain.edu for more information.

How does it work?

The textbook rental scholarship covers the exact cost of any textbooks that can be rented at the Champlain College Bookstore. Funds are applied to your bill at checkout. Any items other than used/rental textbooks in your cart will need to be paid for at the time of checkout.

What happens next?

Your application will be reviewed by the Student Resources Coordinator, who will respond with follow-up information in an email to your @mymail.champlain.edu address. Please allow for 3 - 5 business days for processing time. Once approved, the Champlain College Bookstore takes 24 hours to create an account for you.

Please note that the bookstore will collect your debit or credit card number. Your account will only be charged if textbooks are not returned. The Office of Student Resources will not pay any fees or fines incurred with Follett if the rented textbooks are not returned by the last day of the semester in which they are rented.

Please direct questions to studentresources@champlain.edu or call (802)860-2723.

Email *
Student ID # *
First Name *
Legal Last Name *
Provide the exact cost of rentable textbooks at the Champlain Bookstore. Visit this website and enter your ID # to obtain the total dollar amount.
Please only include rentable textbooks, the scholarship will not cover new or digital textbooks. 
If this statement is true for you, complete this form to request the appropriate amount of funds. You will need to go to the bookstore website and add all the materials you need to your cart. The amount after tax and shipping (if needed) is the amount you should enter in the advance request form

Please let Compass Student Services know if you have any additional questions about textbook vouchers.

(no need to answer this question)
I will be responsible for purchasing any items that are not covered by the textbook rental scholarship at the time of checkout. *
Have you used the Textbook Rental Scholarship in previous semesters? *
Comments, feedback, messages to the good people who make this scholarship possible?
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