Application for DDS-sponsored Grant for the Developmental Disability Direct Support Certificate Program at HCC
Please complete all of the questions on this form. Once you click submit, it will be sent directly to the Program Coordinator. Please have a letter of reference/support from a current supervisor sent directly to Once this form and the letter are received, your application will be processed. For any questions, please contact Department Chair Donna Rowe at
Email *
First and last name: *
Telephone number *
Address* *
Current employer- Agency/ Organization name *
Current supervisor name *
Current supervisor phone number *
Current supervisor email address *
Your current position title *
How long have you been employed in this role? *
Current job setting: *
Describe your current work responsibilities. *
Please describe your reasons for applying to the Direct Support Certificate Program. *
Admission to HCC requires a HS diploma, GED, HiSet. Please indicate your level of educational attainment: *
If you responded "some college", which college(s) have you attended, and approximately how many courses/ credits have you earned?
Please note: when applying to HCC, make sure to request than you request official transcripts from any prior college courses to be sent directly to HCC. Your transcripts will then be evaluated for any courses that can be applied to this program.
Please type your full name and today's date to state that this form was completed by you. *
Thank you for applying! Please make sure to 1) have a current supervisor send a short letter of reference/ support directly to Donna Rowe, and 2) complete the online application to HCC:
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