Event registration

Virtual Artist Lecture Friday, February 26, at 2 pm via Zoom.

Erin Monet Wheary is an interdisciplinary artist, who works in sculpture, printmaking, drawing and installation. Wheary was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. She received a BA in Sculpture and Printmaking from the University of Puget Sound (2013) and an MFA in Sculpture from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (2018). At the University of Puget Sound, she was awarded a Chism Summer Research Grant which enabled her to begin her work synthesizing sculpture and printmaking. She has participated in residencies and exhibitions in the USA and abroad. Erin loves to travel and enjoys the opportunity to travel and share her work in different artistic communities. Her work has been featured in publications and exhibits in New England and the Pacific Northwest.

For questions or additional information contact Prof. Elena Peteva at epeteva@umassd.edu

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