E-Test Organic Chemistry
The δ value of methyl protons in ………………..is maximum.
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According to Beer Lamberts law absorbance(A) of the solution is……
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The stretching frequency of >C=C< chromophore is …………..than that of C-C
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According to Hooks law, the vibrational frequency is proportional to …………
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The frequency characteristic to terminal alkynes……………
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When a parallelly aligned proton absorb radio frequency radiation it undergoes………..
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The electromagnetic radiation having wavelength of 400-750 nm is called as………..
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IR-absorption occurs only when there is change in ……….
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The ratio signifying a quartet is………..
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Frequency is Inversely  proportional to ……………
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The source used for UV radiation.
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Finger print region of IR-spectrum lies in the range of …………..
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How many nonequivalent proton are present on CH3-CH2-OH this structure
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What is the ultra-violet region?
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Mobile Number *
Formula of Calculating number of fundamentals modes of vibrations for anon-linear molecule……..
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The energy carried by photon is equal to .......
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Name of Student *
λ max value of CH3-CH=CH-CH=CH-CH3this compound is …………..
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An example of auxochrome is……..
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The universally accepted reference for proton in non-aqueous solvents is…..
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A typical example Chromophore is ……….
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The nmr phenomenon cannot be shown by ………….nuclei.
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The highest energy photons are found in the radiations of type…………
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Hydrogen bonding causes the IR-absorption band to be ………..
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The chemical shift value assigned to TMS proton is……………
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The pmr-spectrum of ……………compound carries more than one peak.
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