Mind Mapping Workshop: The Magic of Names (February 19 2023)
Live and Replay Feedback Form
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Did you watch the Mind Mapping Workshop: The Magic of Names (February 19 2023) live or on the replay? *
How did you hear about the Mind Mapping Workshop: The Magic of Names (February 19 2023)?
If you answered OTHER in the above question, please clarify as to where below. If you did not pick OTHER, please skip this question.
What was something new that you learned today? Or what was something that stood out to you most? *
Is there something else about today's topic that you felt needed covered in greater detail? Or is there something you would like to see in future Soul Bard Workshops? *
Thank you for your time and feedback!
I have other workshops planned between now and the start of April 2023's Camp NaNoWriMo. If you would like to join my newsletter to keep track of when they come out live and on the replay, please follow this link: https://jennathesoulwriter.substack.com

Thank you for taking this journey with me, and I hope that I can help you out on yours in the future. Take care of yourself, I know you're worth it! Blessings be.
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