2023 Gingerbread Homes for the Holidays Contest

The Dayton Holiday Festival is pleased to present the 16th annual Gingerbread Homes for the Holidays display. Create an original masterpiece for a chance to win a cash prize - $400 for 1st place, $200 for 2nd place! All ages and experience levels are invited to compete, but only up to 20 houses will be selected for this year’s display! If selected to compete, you will receive a $200 stipend on the day of the contest to offset the cost of your supplies. Entries will be displayed in Downtown Dayton and voted on during the Grande Illumination tree lighting event. 

Deadline for Application & Proposal: Wednesday, September 20 by 5pm

Acceptance notification: by Friday, October 6
Date of Event: Friday, November 24, 2023
House Drop-off: 10am-12pm on November 24
Public Voting: 3-7pm on November 24
House Pick-up: from 10-10:30am on Saturday, November 25

Entry Guidelines & Criteria: 

  • Each entry must be submitted on a wooden or plastic base.
  • The size of the structure’s base support shall not exceed 20”x20”, but must be at least 12” x 12”. Must be able to fit through a standard size doorway.
  • The structure must be made of a minimum of 60% handcrafted or edible materials.
  • All exposed surfaces of the structure and all decorations should be covered with edible materials (with the exception of the base/foundation).
  • Please note that houses are only viewable from 3 sides.
  • Battery operated lights are permitted; however, they must be inside the structure and turned on by the entrant.
  • Must be able to transport, deliver, and set up gingerbread house on your own, within the timeline noted above.

    Contest Rules & Timeline:

  • Applications must be delivered to Downtown Dayton Partnership offices or emailed by 5pm on September 20
  • Selected applicants will be notified of their acceptance to compete by October 6, via email.
  • $200 will be given to selected participants only upon the delivery of the criteria-met gingerbread house.
  • The public will vote during the Grande Illumination from 3-7pm in the Old Courthouse (7 N. Main St., Dayton).
  • The house with the most votes will win $400, and second place will win $200. 
  • Houses must be picked up from the downtown display location on Saturday, November 25 at 10am. If you are unable to make this time, contact us to make other arrangements.

Submission of application does not guarantee entry into the contest or stipend. No more than 20 houses will be chosen for 2023’s contest. 

The Downtown Dayton Partnership and participating sponsors cannot be held responsible for any damage to your entry and reserves the right to refuse any submission not suitable for competition.

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Organization or artist name (will appear on display placard in front of your gingerbread house)
Contact name *
Address (Street, City, State, Zip) *
Email address *
Phone Number
Please provide a brief description of your plan for your gingerbread house. Include projected size, materials, unique features, and any other details that will help the committee understand your vision for your gingerbread home. 

Please feel free to submit photos of previous gingerbread homes or other bakery projects you’ve completed to showcase your ability. Photos may be emailed to intern3@downtowndayton.org
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